

主演:伊莎贝尔·于佩尔,克里斯多弗·兰伯特,尼古拉斯·迪佛休尔,威廉·纳迪兰,米歇尔·索博,伊萨赫·德·班克尔,Adèle Ado,Ali Barkai,Thomas Dumerchez,Jean-Marie Ahanda,Martin Poulibe,Patrice Eya,Serge Mong,Mama Njouam,Christine-Ange Tatah





白色物质 剧照 NO.1白色物质 剧照 NO.2白色物质 剧照 NO.3白色物质 剧照 NO.4白色物质 剧照 NO.5白色物质 剧照 NO.6白色物质 剧照 NO.13白色物质 剧照 NO.14白色物质 剧照 NO.15白色物质 剧照 NO.16白色物质 剧照 NO.17白色物质 剧照 NO.18白色物质 剧照 NO.19白色物质 剧照 NO.20


  西非尚处于后殖民时代,法国政府急于想从非洲大陆抽身。虽然士兵仓皇撤退,但是他们并没有放过玛利亚(伊莎贝尔•于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)的种植园,因为传闻叛军头目——拳击手(伊萨赫•德•班克尔 Issach De Bankole 饰)就藏身于此。战火被引到了这里,但却赶上咖啡丰收的时刻。玛利亚手下的黑人雇工为了躲避战乱,逃匿得无影无踪。而当初与玛利亚共筑非洲梦的前夫安德烈(克里斯托弗•兰伯特 Christopher Lambert 饰),早已另有新欢。安德烈娶了当地黑人女子,还生养了孩子,并准备偷偷卖掉种植园。家园危在旦夕,玛利亚赫然发现好吃懒做的独生子曼努埃尔(尼古拉斯•迪富修尔 Nicholas Duvauchelle 饰)剃了光头,骑着摩托车,叫嚷着要加入叛军。灼热的土地上,似乎只剩下玛利亚她一个人在战斗……七鹰大厦宝藏新少林寺亚希2之后2017撕裂的末日圆梦公司冲撞半镜假扮未婚夫秦时丽人明月心文森特要看海特警队2019斯佳丽魔幻手机Y医生:外科医生加地秀树第1季白银谷半生缘2002阿尼库拉波:不死传说摊牌2003钻石诱惑最后征战狗心2015起点存在者黄金花哈迪塞镇之战特里克茜少林足球粤语梦想之家大改造第三季茅山叔叔摇滚吧!老爸支队圆梦巨人国语百万美人鱼权欲第三章第一季贼性黑死病 下海上密室谋杀案


 1 ) 《白色物质》





 2 ) 简直是部烂片


 3 ) 还不是蓝山的


 4 ) 白鬼





 5 ) white material

Claris Denis’s most recent film White Material addresses various problematic issues of the postcolonial world. Set in an unnamed African country, the film portrays a brave, independent but irrational white woman, Maria Vial, and tracks her continuous effort to protect her family’s crumbling coffee plantation. Despite the dual threat coming from the local government and the rebels, Maria refuses to leave the country no matter how chaotic and dangerous the environment is. As the tension of the civil war heightens, Maria eventually feels the consequence of her stubborn decision. The film delivers some important messages about post colonialism, especially through its title—White Material. “White material”, which is also mentioned by the characters in the film several times, not only implies the current tragic status of Maria Vial, but also exposes the issues of what is called the era of neocolonialism.
Despite her effort to harvest the coffee, Maria Vial is not welcomed at her home. Everyone, from the government to her ex-husband Andre, urges her to leave the country as soon as possible. Nevertheless, she still regards her coffee plantation as her priority. By hiring new workers, training them, and even priming the backup generator after the power lines were cut, Maria shows her dedication. Unfortunately, all her effort falls short, and her determination does not earn any respect for herself. Rather, throughout the film, she has been placed under gunpoint several times, which forces her into a passive position. Even though Maria insists this is where she truly belongs, the people around her still show her hatred, and treat her as “white material”. To examine the reasons for this, we need to look past the surface. When Maria claims that she “…couldn’t get used to anywhere else,” one of the workers on her plantation says that the reason she does not want to leave is because “[she doesn’t] want anyone taking what [she] has” (1:18:16). Thus, even though Maria regards herself as a native, she has always been in the dominant position since her family owns the whole plantation, and anyone else simply works for her. She feels the need to stay here, not because she “loves” it, but because she thinks she “owns”, or “controls” it. Now the civil war breaks out and the natives can arm themselves, Maria is descended to “white material”, enabling the natives to revenge their long colonized history. One time, the radio reporter reports through the radio: “As for the white material, the party is over…they are getting out, and they are right to run scared” (32:42). Indeed, when the natives try to reclaim what belongs to them, they regard any “white” as a “white material”, and the “white materials” have to be kicked out of the lands.
Moreover, in most circumstances, “white material” holds the meaning of ‘material of whites’ in the film. For example, one rebel soldier claims that the gold-plated lighter they found in Vial’s plantation is “white material”, meaning he thinks the lighter is something that belongs to the whites (25:03). Blond hair is another significant symbol. The camera always gives close shot to Maria’s blond hair, symbolizing her difference from other people. Similarly, blond hair is also her son Manuel’s main barrier to being treated as natives. Thus, he cut his own hair in order to join the rebels (1:05:31). Moreover, the ‘white’s materials’ here are not only what belongs to the whites, but also what the natives want from the whites. It is worth noticing that the natives do not simply find out the white’s materials and then leave – they take them. Before insulting Manuel, the two rebel kids sneak into his house and steal stuff, including Maria’s necklace in Mandrel’s house (55:30); after the two kids cut Manuel’s hair, one of the kids carefully smells it, like he cherishes it as a treasure (57:52); the rebels kill the people who work in the pharmacy, and then chew the pills, without knowing what exactly the pills are (1:31:11). All these details demonstrate how the natives desire the “white’s material”.
There are further underlying messages beneath this single term. First, notice that the lighter has been passed from character to character, which signifies that not just one, but most of them are influenced by the ‘white’s material’. In addition, whenever the term is mentioned, it is in English rather than French. It exposes that, today, the former colonized areas are controlled not only by their former colonizers such as France physically, but by the whole ‘white’s world’ economically and politically. Indeed, in the era of neocolonialism, many developed countries, especially those former colonial powers, apply international economic arrangements with their former colonies in order to maintain colonial control by using practices of capitalism and globalization. As what the radio reporter says in the film: “Boxer is hiding out amidst foreigners who rips us off and use our land to grow mediocre coffee that we’d never drink” (1:20:14). To the natives, the “white material” bring ‘white’s material’ to their lands and make ‘white’s materials.’ The economy of those underdeveloped countries is highly distorted by those who influence them. They desire ‘white’s material,’ and they are influenced by ‘white’s material,’ but at the same time, they realize that they are controlled and they need to revolt at some point. Therefore, both Maria and the natives are victims, since this inequality will only bring chaos and conflict instead of peace.

 6 ) 空穴不來風

看過之後的第一感覺就是:空穴不來風。一場場戰爭、一場場政治鬥爭、一場場家庭糾紛、一場場學校裡的羣毆,絕不是少數幾個人煽動煽動就能燃燒起來的。在這些暴力之中其實正是我左邊、我右邊、以及我自己積極參與的結果。十年浩劫,絕不是那個老頭以及那四個人能夠持續不斷倒騰十年的,正是大家的暴力、大家的拳頭、大家的毒舌成爲了燃料。今天老兵節,早晨聽新聞還聽到一女兵呼籲說:『please do not forget there are women on the frontier of combat!』讓我不禁啞然,不以爲恥反以爲榮,此之謂也。
電影放過之後與導演claire denis的互動很讓人享受。claire denis中強外乾,看似柔弱,內心堅強而且有些暴力。我的老師karen解釋說:『she is french...』
claire說:『i dont want to be a film maker. i want to make films. i dont want to be someone. i will wake up in the morning and see...』『if you are very near to the camera, seeing fragments, it is something not serious. even killing is not serious, especially killing.』『editing is searching the best way for the film to be shown. but a film exists before it. (but) this film is made in an editing-room. hahaha...』『it is a dream: in a night marie remembers things.』『isabelle dressed in pink and i know it is the end. but suddenly i think it can be the beginning, the very beginning.』『the film is ready (for editing). it is only that i am not ready.』『without obstacles, something could be very boring. it is a good feeling to have obstacles. obstacles are cherish to a film.』『i have no i.d. in this film. it is isabelle. it is all about isabelle.』『the ending: maire murdered her father-in-law. i want to show she is too late. i dont know why (she murdered), but i would have done that...not sure, it is too hard (to murder a strong man), i will try, try to cut a finger (as a start).』


欧美国家对殖民地的一厢情愿? 除去这个因素外,电影语言还是很生动的。

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4.5,德尼的非洲如同赫尔佐格的南美,白人的主流叙事被表述为少数族群,在画面上成为一个刺点,一个Material。《白色物质》绕过了宏大的殖民史,直接将人物置于他者空间并放大了主观意志,表面上看,是南方哥特在后殖民时期的影像对等物,但所谓“本真性”——无论是黑人还是白人——的二分法在影片中已经消失,历史并不存在,叛乱仅仅正在以电影的形式发生。殖民者/原住民的结构处于一种动态,导致了宏观与微观的分裂。于佩尔饰演的Maria是一个幽灵,在影片中,她拒认了法国,又无法像她的儿子一样通过剃发完成一个对异于自身的身份的认同,外界的一切却始终像她确认着陌异性。其面部的明星光环则是一种厄运的标记,不断以此为平面向观看者生成disturbing image。

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大背景交代得很糟糕 主人公线索也比较混乱

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