

主演:Ben Robinson








  Ben Robinson retraces the dramatic last days of King John, England's most disastrous monarch, and uncovers the legend of his lost treasure.  Ten days took King John from ruler of an empire to sudden death, and left the kingdom in ruins. John is famous for the creation of Magna Carta, which inspired our modern democracy.  Ben follows in the footsteps of the King's epic last journey, from the treacherous marshes of East Anglia, through Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, to his final resting place in Worcester. He is joined by medieval historian professor Stephen Church.  Together they examine the truth behind the legend that has lived on for 800 years. Did the crown jewels really end up in the mud of the Wash? Was the King poisoned? Does he deserve his reputation as our most disastrous monarch?  Thanks to unique documents, we can tell this epic tale in the King's own words. Not only can we get into the mind of the Magna Carta King, we can reveal in fantastic detail how and where he travelled.  Ben reveals what happened when treasure seekers attempted to find the King's lost jewels with the help of a diviner. And using the latest technology reveals how we can actually see back in time to reveal the landscape as it would have looked when King John made his last journey 800 years ago.8号警报2冤罪律师XGirl年少轻狂第一季心灵救赎国家命运奔跑的乌龟舞力决战满月酒顽主八毫米成功的秘密地底怪物南北醉拳罗非是条鱼晚霞1997华尔街:金钱永不眠昼颜 昼顔野蛮交易热血街区电影版2:红雨篇印第安高速路加里斯·瓦克图我的太阳阿炳马到成功灵异妙探第四季呼叫助产士第四季西装暴徒湖上女郎少年神探狄仁杰情义无悔2生死巴拿马武术班玉昭令第二季天国遥遥青春珊瑚岛美味2019疯狂飘移假爸爸苏醒

