

主演:爱琳·格雷,大卫·凯斯,博·史文森,Paris Warner,Jasen Wade,兰登·格雷斯,莱西·哈特塞尔,Gage Maynard,Bethany Davenport,Braden Balazik,Kisha Sharon Oglesby,Warren Fast,Brad Napp,David Raizor,Avery E. King





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  Alaska Rose has had a difficult few years since her mom left the family four years prior; acting out, rebelling against her single dad, Conner, getting into trouble in school and worse. But when she turns eighteen, Alaska finds herself in front of a judge in adult court for some of the same out-of-control behavior. In lieu of a jail sentence, Alaska is ordered to do community service in an assisted living facility where she is assigned to Mrs. Foster, an elderly resident who is unapproachable at best and hostile at her worst. Will Mrs. Foster be Alaska's undoing or will she simply be another obstacle on the road to the headstrong girl's freedom? As Alaska tries to minimally fulfill her court obligation and dodge actual jail time, she deals with peer pressure, static from her family, outside influences and demons from her past. Can she navigate the tumult and re-discover a relationship with God and her family or will she remain caught in the cycle of bad choices and lose what little of either is left?独孤天下之预言天蝎第三季马路与天使失独伴我闯天涯1989美国恐怖故事:洛亚诺克第六季淑女忘记了什么烈日狂风天堂陌影窗外有张脸大毒枭恋恋师情红泥屋大侠霍元甲咖啡王子1号店公理2019鬼影人2003三松村第一季伊丽莎白女王二世与英国首相云水怒我的金山银山恋与枪弹台妹向前冲记得15边缘日记反恐疑云女人树为全人类 第四季亡命母侵耶稣指引你上高速洗浴之王坏姐妹瓯柑之恋炮弹飞车天涯咫尺2008敦煌千年不散的宴席两栖人夏日时光第二季前进,人民二手狮王三个火枪手:达达尼昂




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