












钝感之爱 剧照 NO.1钝感之爱 剧照 NO.2钝感之爱 剧照 NO.3钝感之爱 剧照 NO.4钝感之爱 剧照 NO.5钝感之爱 剧照 NO.6钝感之爱 剧照 NO.13钝感之爱 剧照 NO.14钝感之爱 剧照 NO.15钝感之爱 剧照 NO.16钝感之爱 剧照 NO.17钝感之爱 剧照 NO.18钝感之爱 剧照 NO.19钝感之爱 剧照 NO.20


 1 ) 哲学系教材


 2 ) Insensitive

1.Kristen:Fooling ourselves?
Walter:At the heart of human interaction is the agreement that we're all going to fabricate.Which is to say,agree on ertain precepts we call truths,but would be utter nonsense to anyone not in the game.对于这个世界之外的人无疑于废话.

2.Daddy:Can't that be good?Not knowing?

3.Kristen:I become spiteful.I'm just as bad as they are.They?I'm-I'm worse.I fucking hate myself for it.I'm-I'm so fucking lonely.Why is the world so base?卑劣.Why is it so insensitive?迟钝.Why is it so selfish?自私.Why am I?为什么我是这样?

4.Walter:Even as we began to dismantle the very meaning of God,they ask "What is a life?".Does to live any longer have a how?Does it any longer have a why?

5.Mom:You think I am drinking too much?It's just wine mostly.大部分是葡萄酒.

6.Marcia:It's from Montaigne.是蒙田的话.I want death to find me planting my cabbages,careless of death,and still more,of my unfinished graden.在乎的是我未完的园艺.

 3 ) we are beautifully, finally, achingly, alone.

achingly alone 因为并非无心交流,而是交流无能无力
finally alone,因为科技扫荡先前的体系,便利的日常早就了交流的假象

At the outset of a century that would constitute the bloodiest in human history. Along with scientific and technological advancements that would literally make us like Gods. Even as we began to dismantle the very meaning of God. They ask, what is a life? Does to live any longer have a how? Does it any longer have a why? Against a backdrop of industrialization, people will contend with alienation, dislocation, population on a mass scale, and murder on a mass scale. They'll consider the constraints of truth. Whether metaphor or paradigm, with many concluding actual truth has never existed. A nexus in the great human saga, when we dared to trade the organizing bliss, of good and evil, right and wrong, as determined by a creator for other opiates: communism, socialism, capitalism, psychology, technology, any learnable system to replace what had begun to evaporate: the 20th century. My own. But also the one into which each of you was born. For many, an era of hope liberation, possibility. For others of abandonment and despair. A most human century in which we begin really to understand that Nietzsche was right: we are beautifully, finally, achingly, alone. In this void, philosophy at its worst becomes self-reflective, linguistic, semantic, relativism having rendered any discussion of right and wrong, good and evil, to be the quaint concerns of another age. At its most provocative, it asks other questions. Those concerned with locating our stranded selves, when meaning seems to have died, nothing less, in short, then 'why do we live at all?' and 'what makes us who we are?' They ask, 'what now?' And we're still asking it. What will fortify us as another century, your century, commences? Do we abandon finally the search for truths that seem ever more elusive, even silly to some? The ethical? The moral? The good? Principles that by definition can never be prove when so much now can be proved? Or is all this finally and forever pointless? Are we done? We can destroy cities, alter the planet irreversibly, speak instantaneously face-to-face from across the globe, create life where there was to be none, even while intoxicating ourselves with it all. And yet, how do we still seek purpose? And where do we hope to find it if we're so busy convincing ourselves there needn't be any? And so we wander, eyes closed to the dark, while technology, science, medicine and godlessness blaze illusions around us, with less to guide us now than ever, seemingly omnipotent, but more human and just as afraid. These quandaries do not end with this course in a week from today. They begin. And I certainly haven't taught these writers for 30 years just so you can drop references to existential thinkers and their antecedents at dinner parties. The crowd is untruth. In an era darkened by the false shade of imperviousness, you and those who pause to question, carry the light. It's been a wonderful 34 years. Let's not be strangers, either to one another, or more importantly, to everything we've learned from one another. May your best years be yet to come. And so for us all.

 4 ) 哲学之声

What if you’re fooling yourself?
In this void, philosophy at its worst becomes self-reflective
We are beautifully, finally, achingly alone. Nietzsche
The crowd is untruth, in an era darkened by the false shade of imperviousness, you and those who pause to question carry the light.
May your best years be yet to come. And so for us all.
I want possibility.
I want death to find me planting my cabbages, careless of death, and still more, of my unfinished garden.
Why should philosophy in any form be different?
Because ultimately who really cares?
Everyone, regardless of how few want to try to understand it, which is why I have spent my life gorgeously and so can you.

 5 ) There's always someone not for this world.

The world has just become…so inhuman. Everyone's plugged in. Blindingly inarticulate. Obsessed with money, their careers. Stupidly, arrogantly content. I can't talk to them. I fight them. I want to destroy them, even. I crave interaction. I crave it. But you just can't anymore. They pull their devices out for every little thing: to reinforce their petty, convenient notions, to decide where they're going to shop, what they're gonna eat, what movies they're gonna watch, everything they ingest. What is left? My god. It's like this is all a game and I haven't been told what the rules are. Or even worse, if I had, I am ill-equipped to follow them. All I can do is provoke. I become spiteful. I'm just as bad as they are. They? I am worse. I fucking hate myself for it. I'm so fucking lonely. Why is the world so base? Why is it so insensitive? Why is it so selfish? Why am I? I am not for this world.

 6 ) 还是不错

从哪儿开始讲起好 是挺深刻的电影 哲学讲师的老头有两段演讲 真的是难为字幕组的童鞋了 一般像这种看起来一个个小故事不同的家庭 他们之间都是有联系的 哲学讲师不幸的遭遇 遭遇起来都那么富有哲学意义 对于“哲学家”来说即使是遇到了悲剧 遭遇了不幸它也可能是“完美”的 K这里面表现的很好 那种对生活感到绝望通过自残得到心理上的一些慰藉 但是又想获得帮助 那种挣扎的感觉演得挺不错 如果有小说的话 应该刻画得更深刻



  • yolanta
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  • 刘冰格
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  • 优游卒岁
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  • BOO
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“I am not for this world.”心疼你K又演边缘少女T-T

  • 颜落寒
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  • 清风藤╰つ°
  • 很差


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  • 多看电影爱电影
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World Premiere@tribeca2015 多线群戏蒙太奇,充斥着纽约人自以为over-educated的人生感悟和心灵鸡汤。抛出来诸多问题,答案却好像没有讲圆。剧本还是挺硬伤。

  • 大 蜹 蜹
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  • 叙拉古的疯子
  • 力荐


  • 西楼尘
  • 较差


  • JoshuaLi
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说教式的饶舌早已过时 但偶尔接受连绵不断的台词刺激 事关尼采和瓦格纳的冗谈 显然是必要的 运镜时的对话感 很多时候都处理得相当妙 只可惜整体情节安排上太过牵强 不够自然 联系花店开头想结局 竟联想到焦土之城 稍微好评的原因 是看到沃特森时 想起了杀戮战场 眨眼多少年了

  • 文泽尔
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  • Andrew
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  • 跑跑
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非常中产阶级思维的一个本子。从故事上来讲,很自作多情;从叙事上来讲,还蛮打动人。适合深夜的时候看一看,但不值得dwell on,因为每个角色都少了点finishing touch,对比起来《断线》《向日葵之夜》之类的完成度就要高得多。

  • CharlesChou
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The crowd is untruth.

  • Yuko
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  • 彌張
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  • 有时间就看电影
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