Kukira Kau Rumah








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Pram is a lonely young man, who hasn’t received any love from his parents. He filled his void by composing good songs that no one listens to. One day, Pram who works in a music cafe, for him to able to get a gig, meets and gets acquainted with Niskala, someone who is different from other women Niskala also really heard him, but Pram didn’t know that Niskala is a PWB (People with Bipolar). However, since Pram became close to Niskala, Niskala broke all the rules she made with Mela, her mother. Everything felt right until the moment when Pram saw Niskala was given a sedative by her mother and friends, and Pram also found out that all this time, Niskala had been secretly carrying out her social activities and achieving her goals behind her protective father’s back.积极的生活吧妈妈,我不想坐牢皇后镇球王钦奈风云猎爱启示录钟鸣鸟肉食猎者第十季罪途1之死亡列车体操公主第一季柒个我小精灵2窈窕淑男的日记说出你的秘密1999地球脉动第一季太子殿下之小淘气穿越时间线 第二季史前星球第一季流氓战争2夏日囧途新美人计2015国语无间归途艳照疑云绑架危机潜艇那夜的武士九尾狐姐姐传国语朝鲜王朝内幕第一季三重世界宫本武藏 完结篇 决斗岩流岛闺蜜四人行 第二季焰火之城第一季爬山虎艾尔文与花栗鼠3投无路的原偶像 选择与完全陌生的大叔一起生活看见看不见复仇岛哈利波特1现场清理人第七季西藏小子国语沉寂之桥维兰德 第一季所罗门王宝藏正义的阴影假面教师SP原罪少女亡命演说

