

主演:Olivia Welch,迈克·费斯特,雷·尼科尔森,Camron Jones,恩里克·穆西安诺,托德·威廉姆斯,李·埃迪,大卫·W·汤普森,杰西卡·苏拉,Leslie Ann Leal,Kariana Karhu,Tatiana Roberts,乔丹·阿尔萨斯,Cosme Flores,Maya Hendricks,邦妮·比蒂丽娅,莫伊拉·凯利,雷切尔·贝·琼斯,南希·麦基翁,布赖斯·卡斯,马丁·巴特斯·布拉德福德,克里·梅德斯,德里克‧吉尔伯特,李·斯特林格,西恩·雅各布森




  PANIC is a new Amazon Prime Video one-hour drama series, written and created by Lauren Oliver (based on her bestselling novel). It takes place in a small Texas town, where every summer the graduating seniors compete in a series of challenges, winner takes all, which they believe is their one and only chance to escape their circumstances and make their lives better. But this year, the rules have changed — the pot of money is larger than ever and the game has become even more dangerous. The players will come face to face with their deepest, darkest fears and be forced to decide how much they are willing to risk in order to win.莱茵金我的P.S.搭档乡村有情成为部落捕食者 第一季冰血暴第四季纸兵反贪风暴5:最终章粤语鬼庙老友记重聚特辑羞耻 第二季细说从头钻石谜情九州羽乱·相思劫双重命运砂之塔:知道太多事情的邻居拍卖春天幽魂手机直线篡位暗战1999旧货猎人第五季塑料大棚我的一家人 第一季删除历史为爱叛逆3废墟行动(上)三弦之恋郭小宝和周老财走戈壁的女人新不了情换爱七日功夫联盟国语其他人战毒蹉跎岁月黑暗秘密宣判2023富家神偷第一季大过年妖女迷行第二季头脑解密第二季疯狂的蠢贼大漠皇妃富江3:重生




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