










午夜快车 剧照 NO.1午夜快车 剧照 NO.2午夜快车 剧照 NO.3午夜快车 剧照 NO.4午夜快车 剧照 NO.5午夜快车 剧照 NO.6午夜快车 剧照 NO.13午夜快车 剧照 NO.14午夜快车 剧照 NO.15午夜快车 剧照 NO.16午夜快车 剧照 NO.17午夜快车 剧照 NO.18午夜快车 剧照 NO.19午夜快车 剧照 NO.20


阿伟老婆阿丽怀有身孕,晚上兼职夜班的士司机多赚些生活费,一晚,阿伟如常出外工作,但之后便一去不返,阿丽见丈夫几天都不回来,惟有找媚娘求助。媚娘是一名法师,她通过水晶球得知阿伟已不在人世,但同时也没有落到阴间,阿丽苦苦哀求欲与丈夫见面,于是媚娘给阿丽三件法宝,有了这三件法宝阿丽便能看到鬼,更可把自己的阳气过给丈夫。使伟能留在阳间。但其实所有事情都是媚娘一手安排的阴谋,目的是为了……<<收起光(2018)死亡电压作家(2017)发丘天官:昆仑墟策反庸人哈尔毒液:致命守护者中国超人董新尧林都奇谭谋杀是我的心跳叛爱游戏公主的男人绘图师的合约罗德里戈·桑塔纳:我出柜了!爱与谋杀的配方第一季濑户内海硬糖新年真好雷哥老范我还是觉得不妥大鱼海棠约会之夜三生三世十里桃花2017白狐仙古畑任三郎完结篇 重生之死迪迦奥特曼一部艺术片的诞生八墓村1977把家虎吾王长存极其快乐纸新娘珍哈露情史陪酒男我的高考我的班猎人2016制作人国语原始生活40天第一季弗兰肯斯坦传奇第一季决战刹马镇小题大做勇往直前恋上你夺命姐妹花绝不放过你(2002)黄大妮时光恋人


 1 ) 监狱的日子


 2 ) Roger Ebert的影评翻译

★★★(四星为满分) 据说,真正的比利·海斯于1970年被土耳其逮捕,因试图将大麻走私出境的指控而入狱。他有罪。他最初被判了3至5年的监禁,但后来土耳其当局决定以更严重的罪名对他进行审判。新的判决几乎是终身监禁。这位入狱的年轻大学生要到中年晚期才会被释放,如果有可能的话。 海斯越狱了,越过边境逃到了希腊,写了本关于他经历的畅销书。两年后,电影《午夜快车》上映了,改编自他的书,由布拉德·戴维斯饰演自恋、以自我为中心的海斯,并把故事改编成了一部充满暴力、性欲、道德和愤怒的耶稣受难剧。 难以忍受的是愤怒。当海斯还剩短暂的54天就可以重获自由时,却又被判了30年的监禁,他站在监狱的被告席上,谴责了所有土耳其人,骂他们是“猪国”。当然他们不是。虽然海斯是如此不幸,但我们必须提醒自己,毕竟,他是自愿走私大麻的。 所以我们很难同情比利·海斯。他碰运气,结果失败了。但你可能会发现讽刺的是,土耳其的经济是靠罂粟作物发展起来的,供应了世界上大部分海洛因,但国内却有如此严厉的禁毒法。 导演艾伦·帕克在马耳他找了座古老的英式城堡作为监狱,让世界各地的罪犯聚集于此。兰迪·奎德饰演神志恍惚的美国人;约翰·赫特饰演忧郁的英国囚犯,吸毒成瘾。还有诺贝特·魏瑟尔,饰演瑞典年轻人,在当年最奇怪的爱情场景中,成为了海斯的情人。 监狱场景充满了暴力和虐待,由一位残暴的看守安排,他的专长是抽打囚犯的脚掌。监狱里的重大罪行像是在蔑视看守;诸如毒品滥用、黑市交易、性侵等其他行为都被有意地忽视了。 帕克成功将监狱变成了一个完整而真实的世界,一个人类行为的缩影;这让我想起了E.E.卡明斯的小说《巨大的房间》。这部电影的美术指导特别擅长重现那个世界,比如海斯和他的朋友试图从古老的蓄水池逃跑的场景。还有关于地狱的幻想,比如在疯人院中囚犯不停地围着石柱转的场景。没错,这部电影营造了令人着迷的恐怖;但我唯一反对的是,它太急于让我们同情比利·海斯了。


 3 ) 小弟的大學要求寫的影評

上課的時候教授要求寫的....參考了許多此板大大們的影評寫出來的...有興趣看看吧....:) [劇情透露]

Midnight Express Movie Review

Almost all great films about prison break are not simply action-packed ticket-sellers that seek to thrill the audience. What makes these films great is the depth they went into to explore the darkest and at the same time, the brightest themes of human society and lives. Corruption, violence, sexual abuse, justice, injustice, homosexuality, dignity, love, freedom and hope, all of which are seen throughout the whole film. The setting itself is another interesting topic, meaning the prison, like a microcosm of the society outside. Overall, the film tells a story of man's endeavor to self-redemption and self-justice against odds from the political and structural obstacles of the real world, despite a sensible political undertone against Islamic nations.

The Story
On October 6, 1970, Billy Hayes, an American is on a trip back to America from Turkey with his girlfriend Susan. While boarding a flight at the Istanbul Airport, Billy is caught smuggling 2 kilos of dope. He is told by the authorities that if he cooperates in finding the actual drug dealer he will be released. For some reasons he tries to escape after the assistance and is captured. With the support from the American embassy, he is sentenced to only over four years for possession of drug, but is exempted from the more serious charges of smuggling and drug dealing.

The prison as expected is not a very hospitable place. It is crowded, filthy and ruled over by Warden Hamidou who punishes the prisoners with harsh physical and mental tortures. Billy, however, does manage to befriend a few inmates, an American named Jimmy, who is imprisoned for stealing candlesticks from a mosque, and an English named Max, who is sentenced for over 12 years for smuggling 100 grams of drug. At this point, it is becoming obvious that foreign prisoners are only tools and sacrifices in political maneuvers between the Turkish government and other Western governments. The only seeming way out is to catch the "midnight express", namely prison break. The inmates start planning the escape routes.

Many of their attempts failed, and the “insider” prisoner Rifki informs Hamidou on their scheme. Jimmy is taken away to brutal punishment. Max and Billy take revenge to Rifki by destroying his dashed money. Without any evidence, however, Rifki frames Max, and Max meets a similar fate as Tommy does. As Billy is told the court resentence him to up to 30 years in prison on drug smuggling, he cannot contain his emotions any longer. He attacks Rifki and bites off part of his tongue.
After many months in the prison ward for the insane, Billy is at the brink of total breakdown. This is when his girlfriend Susan visits and delivers him her love, hope to survive and some cash hidden within a photography book. Billy starts to plan to escape again. He bribes the Warden and asks to be transferred to the sanatorium where there is a chance of escaping. Instead, Hamidou drags Billy to a cell, beats him down and tries to rape him. In despair, Billy kills Hamidou and escapes with the Warden’s outfit. And it is revealed that Billy flees to Greece and flies his way back to The States and the reunion with his family.

Justice and Injustice
Often times when we try to define justice and injustice, we resort to the laws, which supposedly take into account the moral standards of a given society. But this is not necessary when the government takes other things onto their priority list such as their power of control, political stability, economic interests and in this case, political maneuvers with foreign nations. Under such conditions, laws can no longer uphold justice but become a tool wielded by the government for their own propuses.

In the movie, it is revealed that Nixon’s US government is at bad terms with the Turkish government. As a result foreign prisoners become valuable assets to the Turkish government in dealing with The US. In a beginning of the film, passengers for international flights not only need to pass through normal airport checking routines, before they board, soldiers also search their bodies one by one, and Billy is then found carrying dope. Let Billy’s personal case aside, this measure is questionable. It might be due to the Turkish government’s tightened measures against drug-smuggling, but it might very well be a political measure to attain more foreign prisoners.

In the prison, Billy learns that many foreign inmates are serving unreasonable sentence years. It might be the result of difference in customary laws regarding crimes in different countries, but it might as well be a way to retain the government’s valuable assets, as Billy after almost finishing serving his initial sentence, faces serious charges of smuggling and is resentenced up to 30 years in jail. It makes one wonder what causes such an abrupt change, could it be the result of a worsen diplomatic relationship with Turkey and The US? Either way, justice is vague. Should a man of a certain sociocultural upbringing face criminal charges in a different sociocultural background? Where is justice for individuals when they are of only small part of a much bigger scheme?

Billy, at his defense in court against smuggling charges, says “What is crime, what is punishment? It seems to vary from time to time, from place to place. What’s legal today is suddenly illegal tomorrow because some society says so. What’s illegal yesterday is legal today because everybody’s doing it. They can’t put everybody in jail.” Ironically it seems that his words are not even translated properly to the judge, assuming the judge does not speak English. So if the system does not grant individual justice, the only justice one can find is through self-redemption, a prison break, a breach through the system. This is the underlying premise in most prison break stories from “Shawshank Redemption” in 1995 to the hit American TV series “Prison Break” and to “The Next Three Days” in 2010. These screenplays’ success implies an unshakable belief in moral justice that most people uphold but is often disregarded due to different sociopolitical or cultural circumstances.

Prison and Society
One might expect prison to be a place of rehibilitation and reeducation for the social deviated so that they can be reassimilated back to the society. In reality, however, prison is hardly such a place in a sense that it has its own power control, hierarchy, division that works like ethnicity and nationality, social rules and taboos. The prison with all these elements as a whole is but a microcosm of the society that it derived from. Similar to Marxist's idea of the base and the superstructure, people with a certain set of sociocultural upbringings recreate the prison to be functional in the same way as the society does.

In the prison in "Midnight Express", ethnic or racial division is not clearly observed due to the relative narrow ethnic spectrum of the Turks, so the most prominent division is between the local and the foreign. The prison in America, however, as observed in "The Shawshank Redemption" or "The Next Three Days", is devided mostly among the white, the black, the Asian and the Mexican. This reveals the exact same way the respective societies devide themselves. What does not change is human's tendency to corruption, and this is seen very clearly in the film. When Billy's father comes to Turkey to hire a local lawyer in Billy's defence, the lawyer tells them that with money favourable court and judge can be arraged, and it does seem to work out seeing that Billy is only doing 4 years without serious charges of drug-smuggling.
It is the same trick but different places.

Hope and Prison
In "The Shawshank Redemption" Morgan Freeman speaks of "Institutionalization", and likewise Al Pacino in "Carlito's Way" talks about his thoughts on prison "You don't get reformed, you just run out of wind." The harsh reality in prison strips a man off everything he ever possesses that can define himself. Your possession is gone when you go in jail, your connections fade as family, friends and lover slowly drift away, your dignity is no more when someone forces you to fellatio, and hope is perhaps the most important thing above all, that once lost dooms a man.

One can see how devastated Billy is after hearing he is resentenced to more than 30 years in jail for smuggling. A hope for freedom taken away like that can drive anyone mad. Jimmy loses himself fanatically trying to escape and meets a gruesome end, and Max withers to a walking corpse after too much torture. Even out of prison, one has not really left the prison. The old man Brook's tragic suicide in "The Shawshank Redemption" proves just that. If Susan does not come to visit Billy and gives him the desire and hope to survive and self-rescue, it is not difficult to imagine how his fate will be sealed. Andy Dufresne says in his letter to Red "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things." It indeed is despite the various sociocultural background that an individual might be from.

The American Bias and Propaganda
From most modern and western point of view, the escape of Billy from prison might strike one as of a noble cause or is it? In the film, it is depicted that many foreigners are imprisoned on heavy sentences due to but "relatively" mild criminal deeds. Based on American standards, these sentences are unjust and barbaric, but is judicial freedom and independence not so highly upheld by the so-called democratic America? A few years back, The US president Clinton personally arrived in Singapore and successfully intervened with a case of a teenager being sentenced to caning. Such action is never seen among The States, but it however could be applied outside The US judicial boundaries.

Corruption is considered a despicable crime in America, who often times criticizes other non-western countries for their corrupted bureaucracy and judiciary. However, in "Midnight Express" Billy and his father's maneuvers to bribe the authorities for more favorable courts and judge are considered a justified mean to a noble end. This image of direct involvement in a corrupt judiciary system proves hypocritical to what The US government advocates.

In an interview with the real Billy Hayes, based on whose story this film was shot, he revealed that contrary to what is depicted in the film, the prison guards and wardens were mostly fair and hard-working, and only one guard as he recalled punished prisoners for whatever reasons. In reality, Billy did not kill anyone, and the Rifki character was solely created for the film, and the antagonist Warden Hamious did not die by Billy's hand but was shot to death by a discharged prisoner. After learning these facts, it makes one wonder if "Midnight Express" is but an American propaganda against Islamic or Arabic nations. Ironically, the film was allowed to be screened in Turkey. No matter the purposes the film was made for, artistic or commercial, it is not easy to ignore the sociocultural background of the place of production.

The film's heart-wrenching soundtrack composed by Giorgio Moroder won both the Academy Awards and the Golden Globes for Best Original Score in 1979. Although the score is scarcely scattered through the film, leaving most of the scenes unaccompanied, it however adds more sense of realism and the occasional Arabic tunes display perfectly the Islamic setting of the film. The most memorable themes are the love theme and the ending theme which are very fitting and moving.

Cast-wise, Brad Davis for the role of Billy Hayes, Irene Miracle for the role of Susan and John Hurt for the role of Max received highly positive critics, winning respective Golden Globes awards for the year. Sadly, Brad Davis died of AIDS complications in 1991 at the age of 41, leaving his wife and only child.

 4 ) 让人震撼的独白

So now it's time for me to speak.
What is there for me to say? When I finish, you'll sentence me for my crime.
So let me ask you now:
What is a crime? What is a punishment?
It seems to vary from time to time and place to place.
What's legal today is suddenly illegal tomorrow.
What's illegal is suddenly legal because everybody's doing it.
You can't put everybody in jail.
I'm not saying this is right or wrong.
I'm just saying that's the way it is.
I've spent 3 and half years of my life in your prison.
I think I've paid for my error.
If it's your decision today to sentence me to more years ...
My lawyer ... that's a good one.
He says, ''Be cool, Billy.''
''Be good. I'II get you a pardon, an amnesty, an appeal.''
This has been going on now for 3 and half years.
I've been playing it cool. I've been good.
Now I'm damn tired of being good.
You said I had 53 days left.
You hung 53 days in my face, and then you took them away.
And you!(turn towards the prosecutor)
I wish you could be standing where I'm standing right now.
Then you would know something that you don't know:
You would know that a just society is based on the concept of mercy. Its sense of fair play and justice.
But I guess that's like asking a bear to shit in a toilet.
For a nation of pigs, it sure is funny you don't eat them.
Jesus Christ forgave the bastards, but I can't.
I hate.
I hate you.
I hate your nation and I hate your people.
I fuck your sons and daughters because they're pigs.
You're a pig.
You're all pigs.

 5 ) 《午夜快车》chase and go。










 6 ) 越狱片的鼻祖吗?




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多么痴情的姑娘 过了好几年了还去探监 激起了他的求生欲望 姑娘你这么深情 怎么过了好几年才去看你的心上人呢 至于美国的政治立场及对土耳其的丑化 见仁见智吧

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看得好累啊这个真的不大适合我看。。(【电影男孩】04. 午夜快车)

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the bad machine doesn't know he is a bad machine.土耳其、毒品、越狱

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是極其不一樣的監獄/越獄題材電影。十分震撼。考察演員本身的生命便知道這樣一部電影和演員的關系是神來安排的。另一個Anthony Perkins。音樂雖然古老,但短暫的高潮和結尾被其提升到了極致。

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