吉尔莫女孩 第一季





吉尔莫女孩 第一季 剧照 NO.1吉尔莫女孩 第一季 剧照 NO.2吉尔莫女孩 第一季 剧照 NO.3吉尔莫女孩 第一季 剧照 NO.4吉尔莫女孩 第一季 剧照 NO.5吉尔莫女孩 第一季 剧照 NO.6吉尔莫女孩 第一季 剧照 NO.13吉尔莫女孩 第一季 剧照 NO.14吉尔莫女孩 第一季 剧照 NO.15吉尔莫女孩 第一季 剧照 NO.16吉尔莫女孩 第一季 剧照 NO.17吉尔莫女孩 第一季 剧照 NO.18吉尔莫女孩 第一季 剧照 NO.19吉尔莫女孩 第一季 剧照 NO.20


 1 ) some rants

Sometimes the whiteness of this show just gets a bit too much. I don’t entirely hate it. It’s very pro-femisim, which is rare for a 00s TV show but I lowkey feel the Gilmore girls are Karens sometimes, egocentric and annoying in their own ways with privileges taken for granted while the whole town blindly favors them regardless of the situations (several outsider characters’ remarks on the town being a “cult town” actually feel true). The show tries to depict Lorelai and Rory as small-town working class but they benefit from all the upper-class resources through Lorelai’s parents, and needless to say how problematic her parents are…This kind of setting feels like cheating in some ways as it conveniently makes the privileged characters more down-to-earth and relatable. It’s also kind of disappointing to see how many white girls online idolize Rory and the show.

And again an Asian girl, Lane, is trivialized despite she has the same potential as Rory, and of course she has a stereotypical tiger mom.

Even Paris’ character is trivilaized though she seems to have an interesting back story as well. I get that the show is about the Gilmore girls but it goes to an extent that everything seems to be about them and everyone is supposed to empathize with them. The perspetcive is too unilateral, becoming a little tiring to watch after half a season.

ps.还有我真的有点看不下去Dean和Rory谈恋爱,也看不下去Lorelai和Max/Luke/Christopher的感情线。去youtube上把Jess和Rory的爱情线剪辑提前看完了,也不用为了这点玻璃渣糖扫之后几季了。 觉得Rory翘课去纽约找Jess,Jess最后隔着巴士窗户问Rory为什么来,以及Jess帮Rory关洒水器但听到Dean要来又拧开了这两场戏可能是这么久以来看过的最可爱自然的美剧小孩暧昧片段。尽管到后来他们有严重的anger management和communication issues (and the unconsented makeout scene?), 但前期暧昧还是很好磕。

 2 ) 平淡生活中的温馨快乐!


 3 ) Gilmore girls back to season 4

已经完结的GG,不同于GG gossip girl.是一部很生活的剧,没有华丽的场面和打扮出位的美女帅哥,(但是很多客串的熟脸),平平淡淡,但是看起来却很开心.早就买了碟,放在家里面,而且没看完.所以,现在从第4季补起.

Rory的high school终于结束,迎来yale的大学生活.而之前的那些青梅和竹马,Dean,Jess好像也要离开了,具体的纠葛,还有大待我继续看下去.不知道这一对母女分开之后,会各自有怎样的生活..

 4 ) 关于GG同样类型的剧作

"Nancy Botwin (Weed) seems to be Lorelai Gilmore’s long lost, drug dealing sister." Anyone? :-)

"(Aaron) Sorkin is often presented as one of the auteurs of modern television, an innovator and an original voice. But he’s more logically placed in a school of showrunners who favor patterspeak, point-counterpoint, and dialogue-driven tributes to the era of screwball romance. Some of this banter is intelligent; just as often, however, it’s artificial intelligence, predicated on the notion that more words equal smarter. Besides Sorkin, these creators include Shonda Rhimes (whose Washington melodrama, “Scandal,” employs cast members from “The West Wing”); Amy Sherman-Palladino, of “The Gilmore Girls” (and the appealing new “Bunheads”); and David E. Kelley, who created “Ally McBeal” and “Boston Legal.” Sorkin is supposed to be on a different level from his peers: longer words, worldlier topics."

 5 ) Gilmore Girls

Actually i really like the teleplay of gilmore girls, although the last teleplay gossip girls which i watched in the winter hoilday let me fall in love with it very soon but gilmore girls take the beyond belief and stronger feeling for me . I have to say rory and Lorelai they're a couple of unbelivable mother and daughter which i admired all the time when i was watching

I know it is impossible for this relationship to happen to me and my mother but i don't mean that my time with my mother is terrible .we have a different kind of life and A different kind of happiness

I have been into the show for a long time ,caus' i always think it is a good and specia life journey for us but it is ture that teleplay is more nutritiver than movies.

Gilmore gilrs really made me crazy that i can't got out easily.

In china relationships between children and parents are not good. they have a deep thinking finding the beaUtiful things or people is more and more diffcult on our this age.

so when the beautiful things come into your lives,catch them and enjoy them~~

 6 ) Bittersweet—— “第二眼美剧”



人无聊时 太无趣的东西都觉得还不错了

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  • 沙丁鱼2
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我一直是Team Dean啊!重看第一季觉得简直太美好了,看到小时候的Rory和Dean刚刚开始谈恋爱真的好sweet!少女心满满感觉又回到了十六岁的时候!台词好赞,好生活化也都是机智和槽点!从小到大看美国校园剧都羡慕十六岁的男孩女孩青春萌动的初恋,为什么小时候不能谈一场这样的恋爱啊!

  • Cherry樱桃之远
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这是我看过最好看的关于正常的日常生活的美剧了 原来Rory是演牛仔裤夏天里我最喜欢的那个女孩 而且看她和她妈之间的感情 比起亲情更可以说是友情 整部剧充满温情 却也在言语之间夹杂着幽默 很轻松的剧 就像是看一部超长的但又精彩的美国校园喜剧电影似的 难得有讲日常琐事却又让我停不下来的美剧

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  • 朱朱朱古力♥
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绝对是正能量剧了吧?看完Maisel来不及等下一季来看the famous gilmore girls拌嘴。我真很喜欢老旧00年画质

  • 里拉
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当年青涩的Jared Padalecki在剧中演了一个名叫Dean的角色囧。

  • Griet
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我的天这对母女/姐妹真的不是manic pixie dream girl的鼻祖吗。母女俩嘴里永远都是梗,利用幽默感和正话反说的技能缓解各种社交冲突,说到底都是伤心人在自我保护和自我安慰,俩人都缺少面对幸福的能力,但是有爱有温情,什么困难都不是困难。1.5倍速度看非常暖心非常赞

  • 爱幻想的小孩
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在最适合看这部剧的年纪,我遇见了 One Tree Hill。即便我已经不是和Rory共同的年纪,但我也依然会被这里面成长的瞬间打动,当然也很高兴见到后来那么多美剧男主角年轻无邪的样子。

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温馨 女人 快语速 讽刺

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Lorelai就是manic pixie dream girl got knocked up 她太嗲了 如果说 it takes a village to raise a child 那我真想一直住在那里~~~~~~

  • cody
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日常剧,角色互动的台词大赞,妈妈是good wife,虽然一开始没看出来⋯⋯ 不过可能也是因为太生活化,总觉得缺少爆点啊

  • 望仔放弃减肥了
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Cool mom and cool daughter. 谁不想在这样的小镇安静地生活。音乐好听,还有咖啡不限量,兜兜转转分分合合不是重点。

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  • swing in sun
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其实好难得就是好多时候我以为有好多的的大爪马,但其实没有,这就是一对彼此心灵相通的母女/姐妹的美好生活。【之后Lauren在Parenthood对上Mae又是另外一回事了。】年轻时候的Jared Padalecki和Chad Michael Murray嫩得出了水,看第一眼的时候真的有被惊艳到。

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